Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Green Deal BNR 2022 - Климатичната тревожност: мисия невъзможна в България - еп 3
Автор: Добромир Видев
Климатичната тревожност e мисия невъзможна в България. Макар и да има регистриран интерес, България е сред държавите, в които младите хора не проявяват интерес към темата и не се чувстват разтревожени.
Climate Anxiety – mission impossible for Bulgaria
Climate anxiety is a mission impossible in Bulgaria. Although there is a registered interest, Bulgaria is among the countries where young people are not interested in this topic and do not feel worried. Statistics provided by Nikolay Petkov – a member of the environmental association "For the Earth", shows no interest in the climate anxiety topic. Petkov was a participant in the protests „Fridays for future“, organized by Greta Thunberg. In a Facebook poll, conducted by the Bulgarian organization, only 23 students took part. The poll reveals that 90% of them had heard about the climate at school. But only 25 percent about the climate anxiety topic. "Exactly 6 people," says Nikolay Petkov. "Which is sad. It's hard for me to answer why this is so. Maybe it is typical for Bulgaria, for our region. We just have other problems in Bulgaria; the group that has the greatest interest in these issues are girls and women between 35-40 years of age. Penka Ivanova is a teacher in the ecology school "Sunbeam" in Plovdiv. She observes a certain "sensitivity to eco-themes" in her students. "They really start to see more and more around them, when there is an environmental problem. They share.“, she saуs. Penka Ivanova explains the lack of depth on the topic of climate anxiety in Bulgaria with the lack of will. Few people would risk "a lot of things around them and from work to expose uncomfortable issues for society."