Friday Mar 11, 2022

Green Deal BNR 2022 - COVID-19 и пандемията от пластмаса - eп 2

Автор: Антония Каменичка

Закъсняхме ли с мерките по за управление на отпадъците покрай Covid-19 и можем ли да намерим по-устойчиви решения за в бъдеще, без да правим компромис с безопасността – това коментираме с Елеонора Йосифова от еко организацията „За земята“ и доц. Михаил Околийски от българския офис на Световната здравна организация. Възможно ли е в пандемичната ситуация да бъдат ограничени еднократните пластмасови опаковки за храната в учебните заведения? И как гимназисти от Ямбол се ангажираха в търсенето на решения за пластмасовата пандемия като изобретиха биоразградими предпазни маски. Чуйте повече в настоящия епизод: 

The shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic has been looming over the world for over two years, and perhaps every aspect of our lives has been changed by the virus. Shocked by daily statistics of illness and death, the entire global community is focusing its efforts on saving lives and preventing infection. The stressful situation prompted us to spare no expense in dealing with the health problem. Alas, two years later, the result is calamitous - we went years backwards in our attempts to limit the use of single-use plastics. From personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves to disinfectant bottles, syringes, and vaccine waste, to the widespread use of disposable cutlery, utensils, and packaging to deliver food from closed restaurants and educational institutions, the mountains of plastic we rised in fear of the sudden threat will remain on Earth for at least half a millennium to remind us that crisis management should not make the environment bear this expense. 
In this episode of the Green Deal podcast, we outline the dimensions of the problem and look at possible solutions.

Are we too late with waste management measures past Covid-19, could we find more sustainable solutions for the future without compromising safety - this is what we discuss with Eleonora Yosifova from the eco organization "For the Earth" and Assoc. prof Mihail Okoliyski from the Bulgarian office of the World Health Organization. Would it be possible in a pandemic situation to restrict single-use plastic food packaging in educational establishments? And how high school students in Yambol got involved in the search for solutions to the plastic pandemic by inventing biodegradable protective masks. Find out more in this episode.

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