Thursday May 25, 2023

Green Deal BNR 2023 - Любов или замърсяване – домашните любимци и околната среда

Автор: Божидар Александров


Резюме: Епизодът търси отпечатъка върху околната среда, който оставя отглеждането на домашни любимци.


Мила Бобадова, ветеринарен лекар в една от най-големите клиники за животни в София

Лина Баядсе, доброволец в различни организации и продавач-консултант в магазин за продукти за домашни любимци

Тамара Ферари, ветеринарен лекар от Хърватия

Професор Марио Кодряну от Факултета по ветеринарна медицина в Букурещ, Румъния

Ttile: Love or pollution - pets and the environment

Author: Bozhidar Alexandrov



The episode draws attention to the environmental footprint that pets leave. It looks for the reasons for its existence, as well as the ways in which the problem could be solved. It turns out that the person and their activity play a major role in creating this footprint. The participation of various specialists dedicated to working with animals helps to deepen the understanding of the subject and directs attention to the state of the planet Earth, to which the improper care of pets can lead.


Dr. Mila Bobadova, a veterinarian in one of the largest animal clinics in Sofia

Lina Bayadsi, a volunteer in various organizations and a sales consultant in a store for pet products

Tamara Ferrari, veterinarian from Croatia (input from Croatian freelance production)

Professor Mario Codreanu from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania (input from Radio Romania)

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