Wednesday Aug 02, 2023

Green Deal Podcast - Природата - източникът на знание - Еп. 12

Автор: Александра Илиева


Резюме: Познаваме ли природата, която ни заобикаля, и колко мотивирани сме да я опазим?  


Участници: Проф. Павел Стоев, директор на Национален природонаучен музей-БАН; Искра Урумова - aвтор на книгата „Коя е билката?“; Марко Модрич - хърватски пазител на природата, рейнджър; Клара Рощишевска, специалист по образование от организацията на WWF в Полша.


Title: Nature - the source of knowledge

Author: Alexandra Ilieva


Summary: The key objectives of the European Green Deal are to improve the well-being and health of citizens and future generations by improving the state of planet Earth and restoring nature. But the question is - do we know the nature that surrounds us and how motivated are we to preserve it. The first encounter with nature for people who have chosen to link their professional path with it is usually at an early age, so in this edition of the Green Deal podcast we will introduce you to some of them. Because their mission is to pass on the knowledge and skills related to nature to the next generations.


Participants: Prof. Pavel Stoev - Director of the National Museum of Natural Science; Iskra Urumova - Author of the “Which is this herb?”; Marko Modrić - Croatian nature guard, ranger; Klara Rościszewska - Education Specialist from WWF Poland Foundation.

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